JasmyCoin Price Live Data

The real-time (live) price of JasmyCoin to INR is 1 (JASMY/INR) today. This is a price change of -1.67% in the last 24 hours. JasmyCoin market cap at the current level is 57.68B INR, with a 24 hours trading volume of 4,067JASMY. It has a circulating supply of 49.30B INR.

Market Stats
Market Cap
Market Cap = Current Price x Circulating Supply.
Circulating Supply
The amount of coins that are circulating in the market and are in public hands. It is analogous to the flowing shares in the stock market.
Max Supply
The maximum amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency. It is analogous to the fully diluted shares in the stock market.
Total Supply
The amount of coins that have been already created, minus any coins that have been burned. It is analogous to the outstanding shares in the stock market.
Source Code
About JasmyCoin

What is JasmyCoin (JASMY)?

JasmyCoin (JASMY) is the native currency of the Jasmy network. The project democratizes data by combining blockchain and IoT (Internet of Things) technology to deliver an infrastructure that allows everyone to use customers' data safely and securely. JASMY coin is famously known as Japan's Bitcoin because its founders and investors are based there.

It is an ERC-20 token created to serve various utilities in the Jamsy ecosystem. Anyone can transfer value from one address to another using JASMY tokens. Any fee the Jasmy platform collects for its services and products is payable only in JasmyCoin (JASMY). Individuals who disclose their information to enterprises also get incentives in JASMY, which they can later use to exchange equivalent goods or services on the Jasmy platform. The maximum supply of JASMY is limited to 50 billion.

How Does JasmyCoin(JASMY) Work?

The foundation of JasmyCoin comes from the rising concerns regarding data compromise and security breaches due to the ongoing wave of IoT devices. Since IoT connects various electronic devices and requires them to exchange data, it often leads to data compromise. To solve this problem, the Jasmy project has been building a democratized and decentralized system where users own their data with the help of blockchain technology.

At the core of Jasmy is the Personal Data Locker (PDL), which allows users to store their personal data and share it with companies willing to pay for it. It works like owning a wallet or a safe deposit box for your data. Meanwhile, the IoT service providers associated with Jasmy can serve without having user information. With Jasmy's blockchain technology, tempering with data or stealing it becomes extremely difficult.

Companies and entities can access this personal data only when necessary to provide service to users instead of keeping records in-house. The SKC (Secure Knowledge Communicator) is Jasmy's core service application, which comes with P2P protocols and facilitates this entire process.

Jasmy also leverages its other core service, the Smart Guardian (SG), to allow secure IoT device registration and ensure that only the data owner can use it.

JASMY, the native currency, is what the participants of the Jasmy network pay to one another for various service and data exchange operations. Businesses that use the user data available on Jasmy also pay JASMY to do so.

How to Buy JasmyCoin (JASMY) in India?

There are many platforms where you can invest and Buy JASMY coin in India.

One such platform is Flitpay. To buy JasmyCoin (JASMY) in INR, you must sign up to Flitpay, where you must enter the required details and go through a small KYC verification process.

After the KYC approval, ensure you have correctly entered your bank details. Now, deposit the amount you want to buy JASMY crypto into the linked bank account and execute the purchase.

You can instantly convert your JasmyCoin (JASMY) to INR and INR to JasmyCoin (JASMY) and withdraw your INR through bank transfers whenever you want.

Flitpay also keeps introducing timely rewards for its users.

What to Do After Buying JasmyCoin (JASMY)?

JASMY can be used to buy other cryptocurrencies after converting them to INR through crypto exchange platforms like FLITPAY. You can also hold the JASMY till it reaches a high price and then sell it through Flitpay's OTC order facility. Users can earn significant profits from buying it at a lower price and selling it at a higher price.


What is the JasmyCoin (JASMY) coin?

JasmyCoin (JASMY) is the native currency of the Jasmy platform. It facilitates value transfers within the platform and acts as the in-system currency for all participants. The total supply of JASMY is limited to 50 billion.

What is the JasmyCoin (JASMY) price in India?

Check out the INR price of JASMY crypto in India today on Flitpay.

Which is the best crypto exchange in India to buy JasmyCoin (JASMY)?

Flitpay is the best cryptocurrency exchange in India for buying JASMY, Pixels, or your favourite cryptocurrencies. It supports instant UPI and bank deposits and withdrawals, with a minimum deposit and withdrawal limit of INR 100.

How to buy JASMY coin in India?

You can easily buy JasmyCoin (JASMY) in India on the safest crypto exchanges like Flitpay, with the lowest fees.

To buy JasmyCoin (JASMY) coin in India:

1. Register on Flitpay and create an account.

2. Verify your identity through Know-your-customer (KYC)

3. Add INR or Fiat currency, corresponding to the amount of JASMY you want to buy.

4. Instantly buy JasmyCoin (JASMY) with the deposited funds.

What are the benefits of JasmyCoin (JASMY)?

Jasmy combines blockchain and IoT technology to ensure enterprises handle data securely. It democratizes data ownership, allowing users to control and monetize their personal information through the Personal Data Locker (PDL). As the platform's native currency, JASMY enables secure transactions within the Jasmy ecosystem, including service fees and incentives for data sharing. By facilitating a decentralized and democratized data exchange, JASMY enhances data privacy, ownership and security without affecting the IoT evolution.

Is it safe to invest in JasmyCoin (JASMY) in India?

Yes, investing and trading JASMY is Safe in India. Flitpay is one of India's most secure cryptocurrency exchanges for buying JASMY crypto. It offers real-time prices and advanced investing features.

Where can I deposit and withdraw JasmyCoin (JASMY) crypto in India?

Your search for secure crypto deposits and withdrawals ends here. Flitpay is India's most trusted exchange to facilitate hassle-free and Instant deposits and withdrawals of all the top cryptocurrencies with minimal or no fees.

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